1EM Networking Generates High Interest at HSBC

The 1st of the series of the 1EM Networking Events took place yesterday at the HSBC Commerical Centre in Preston, the event was supported by presentations from the UK Trade & Investment and the Business Growth Service.
Attended by over 30 businesses from the North West region, representing sectors as diverse as banking, consultancy, manufacturing, retail, food and the creative industries. The event also included a speed networking session.
“We were delighted with the turnout and the quality of businesses that attended,” said 1EM’s Manging Director Mubarak Chati, “It was great to see so many businesses getting together in a friendly and supportive atmosphere, sharing ideas, making new contacts and really seizing the opportunity to develop new business.
“The delegates used the time very productively and many of them said that they’d been very impressed with the event and throughly enjoyed the speed networking session.”